3 Reasons You Should Accept that LinkedIn Request
LinkedIn is a social site to make business connections. It’s like going to a networking event in person, but it’s a lot less awkward. The site has more than 300 million members—and more than 100 million of these are in the U.S. That makes this site an incredibly valuable resource for anyone trying to build their business network. So, how can active and passive job seekers use this tool to find a good job? How can LinkedIn help with marketing and branding your personal image? We have answers along with three top reasons you should always accept a LinkedIn request.
1. LinkedIn Offers Opportunities
Even if you’re not looking for work currently, LinkedIn is the vehicle to use when you’re ready to obtain a job. Taking a LinkedIn request from a recruiter means you start to build connections you can use anytime you want. Ignoring connections on this platform defeats the entire reason you’re on there.
Not only can you build networks out of recruiting teams that may help find you a job someday, but you can also form connections with industry colleagues to stay on top of what’s happening in your field. Pay attention to what’s posted in your newsfeed, particularly from recruiters who are industry-specific experts. Recruiters often post industry-specific news when making them not only an excellent source for jobs for a great resource for information.
2. Your Connections Are Private
Connecting with a recruiter on LinkedIn may make you nervous that your employer will notice. But LinkedIn has a simple-to-use privacy setting that hides your connections from others. You can also turn on or off a setting that allows recruiters to see that you are open to opportunities. Employers cannot see this. Even if your employer somehow tries to monitor your LinkedIn activity, these tools will keep them from seeing it.
Keep in mind that connecting with someone on LinkedIn doesn’t mean anything more than you’re networked with that person. You always have the option of simply saying you’re not interested in a job, if a recruiter asks. Connecting is about networking, period; but what you do with those networks is simply up to you.
3. Your Network will Expand Geographically
We’ve seen business colleagues refuse to accept connections from people they don’t know on LinkedIn. But every person you know is connected to someone else, and so on. Building a social network means that you understand the power of having an expanded network and its opportunities. Why would you limit yourself to a geographic network that stays in one place? The power of the Internet means you can meet new people from all over the world without traveling physically to get there. Developing a professional web of connections lets you expand the boundaries of who you know in your home town. This can open the world up to new opportunities. How can that be a bad thing?
Looking to Expand Your Network?
The Custom Group of Companies would like to open the door to new opportunities for your career. We work with leading companies to find top talent. Watch for our LinkedIn request; we’re standing by to help you boost your career when the time is right for you.