4 Top Reasons It’s Time to Switch IT Jobs
Have you been in your job too long? Maybe you hate the idea of the drama of switching jobs. Simple entropy could be keeping you from a career change that could be highly beneficial. Sometimes the “devil you know” is better, right? If you’re on the fence about switching roles in the technology field, here are some good reasons to consider it. Maybe, the next time a recruiter calls, you should listen.
1. Have You Stopped Learning?
This is a huge problem in the IT world, where technologies change frequently. You may be working on a legacy application, and you’re simply coasting. But this can be a problem. If you’re staying in your comfort zone with little innovation and even less learning, you are going to become outdated in the marketplace quickly. Be careful that you don’t look up from your computer one day and realize that you’ve fallen behind. The more you coast, sticking within your comfortable environment, the riskier it becomes for your long-term career. Even worse, your employer may notice that you’re calling it in.
2. Are You Losing Money?
These days, if you don’t consider a move every two years, you probably are losing out on higher salaries somewhere else. This may be fine if you love your job, but what if you aren’t learning anything new and you’re stuck in place just because you’re afraid of the change it might bring? That change could push you out of your comfort zone in a good way and into a higher salary. Switching jobs allows you to ask for an incremental increase in salary and keep climbing the career ladder.
3. Don’t Feel Like You Have to Change?
The fact that you’re currently employed eliminates much of the risk associated with interviewing for a new job. If you get to the salary negotiations and they can’t meet your terms or if you feel like the culture isn’t a good one, you can walk away and keep doing what you’re doing—until the next opportunity arises.
The reality is that if you feel pressure to find a new job, the chances are higher that you’ll settle for something less than what you want. You may end up compromising on salary, benefits, or even culture fit because you have to work not because you want a better job. Do not let yourself get to the point where you have to make a move due to a layoff or a merger. If you’re unhappy, you have skills. Use them to find a better job.
4. Does Looking for a Job Make You Feel Ungrateful?
We see this all the time. If you feel like you should be grateful for the job you have, that is fine. Admirable, even. But don’t gratitude shame yourself into missing out on opportunities to further your career and find a place that makes you truly happy. It’s okay to ask yourself whether the position you’re in now enables the kind of life for you and your family that you want and need. It’s also okay to seek a new position where you’ll modernize your skills. Even better? Consider the idea that your next job will do all these things plus give you a better cultural fit where you feel more at home.All of the best things are out there but only if you’re willing to take a look.
Work With the Professionals
When you’re ready, talk to the team at The Custom Group of Companies. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain from starting a conversation with an IT recruiting specialist today.