But Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?
Like the old song, should I stay or should I go now is a common question we hear from people trying to decide if it’s time to leave their current role? Most jobs are a mix of good and bad; it’s common to experience an overly stressful or frustrating day. How do you know, though, that it’s time to move on? How can you tell if the company down the street offers a better situation? We have some answers to the question, “Is the grass greener?”
Is the Grass Greener? Asking the Right Interview Questions
Selecting a new job and even deciding to look for a new position requires a mix of self-reflection and some sharp analysis of the market opportunities available to you. Everyone can have a bad day at work, but knowing when it’s time to leave is important. Don’t make the mistake of a “rage quit,” where you are so angry and frustrated that you jump at the first opportunity to get out of your current situation. The reality is that sometimes the grass is greener, and sometimes it isn’t.
Instead, take a step back and logically consider your options. You may have an opportunity to make more money somewhere else. However, is the culture a good fit? How is the work/life balance? Any time a job offers more money, it’s a tempting proposition. It may even be the right choice. But what does the job entail? What will your boss be like? Is there room for advancement? What about benefits? Here are four critical questions to ask before confirming that the job opportunity you’re considering is “greener”:
- Why do I want to leave my current job? Do a self-assessment about why you want to switch jobs. What frustrates you about your current position. Is the issue that you’ve reached a dead end? Is the stress you’re under not worth the money you’re making? If you like the work you’re doing but hate your boss, is there a way to fix things? We recommend a careful self-assessment of what your current job has to offer versus what you don’t like about it before considering a new opportunity. Get your head on straight about what you want and need in your career, then move on to step two.
- What is it about this new job that will be better than my last job? Carefully measure the pros and cons of the new position. Roadmap the money and benefits, including the intangibles, like work-life balance and culture, against what you currently have. Consider where you want to be in five years. Are you more likely to get there in a new position? Also, think about your resume on the whole. Do you have a series of one- and two-year jobs that make you look like a job hopper?
- Can you get what you need in your current role? If you need more money and that’s the only issue, have you tried asking your boss for a raise? Have you exhausted the boundaries of your current position? Are you bored doing the same thing over and over and simply need a change? If you’re not learning, you’re not growing, so what may be “greener” in the next job is the opportunity to evolve, innovate, and improve your skills. With all of this soul searching, the reality is, sometimes it is about the money and benefits, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, either.
- Finally, have you hit the wall and simply need to make a change? After a careful analysis of what’s motivating you to leap, sometimes it comes down to a need to leave the place where you’ve grown up. If you’ve hit a wall with your current employer, you’ll know in your gut that it’s time to make a change. Talented people who have been with their current employer for a few years can often feel that they’ve reached an invisible glass ceiling for learning and growing in their career. If there is no way to breach that ceiling, then, yes, it’s probably time to make a change.
That’s where The Custom Group of Companies can help. We have many opportunities for greener grass, so when you’re ready, contact our team.