How Remote Work Has Impacted the Real Estate Market | Custom Group of Companies

How Remote Work Has Impacted the Real Estate Market

Remote work has become the norm for many businesses worldwide, with the Covid-19 pandemic accelerating this trend. As more people work from home, there have been significant impacts on various aspects of life, including the real estate market. This blog post will explore how remote work has affected the real estate market.

Is There a Connection Between Remote Work and the Real Estate Market?

Increased Demand for Suburban and Rural Areas

With the shift towards remote work, there has been a surge in demand for suburban and rural areas. People no longer need to live close to their workplace, and many choose to move away from the cities to enjoy a quieter lifestyle. They can also enjoy larger homes and outdoor spaces unavailable in city living. This migration has resulted in a surge in demand for properties in these areas, increasing property prices.

The Brookings Institute says, “The housing market inflations in previously stagnant urban areas in Midwest and in suburban regions in the West and East imply that employees may have migrated to these areas during the pandemic as an environment of more flexible work arrangements took hold.”

However, it’s important to note that this shift isn’t universal. The high-tech industries that enabled remote work also created significant wealth and higher incomes, raising home prices in desirable rural or suburban locations. In contrast, many lower-wage workers still struggle to afford housing in urban and rural areas, especially in places with limited affordable housing options.

Increased Demand for Larger Homes

Another impact of remote work on the real estate market is an increased demand for larger homes. People spending more time at home requires more space for work and other activities. This change has increased demand for homes with multiple bedrooms, offices, and outdoor spaces.

As a result, homes previously considered too large or too expensive are now in high demand, resulting in increased prices. However, this trend may be less sustainable, especially as the pandemic continues to recede and businesses adopt hybrid work models.

Impact on Commercial Real Estate

The shift towards remote work has significantly impacted commercial real estate. With fewer people commuting to the office, many companies have downsized their office spaces or transitioned entirely to remote work. This trend led to a glut of empty office buildings in some urban areas and a decline in commercial property prices.

On the other hand, many companies have reimagined their workplaces as hubs for collaboration and in-person interaction, leading to an increased demand for flexible office spaces. Coworking spaces and other flexible office spaces have seen significant growth during the pandemic as companies seek to offer their employees the best of both worlds: remote work and the benefits of a physical office.

Impact on Rental Markets

The impact of remote work on the rental market has been mixed. In some cities, the demand for rentals has decreased as people have moved away, leading to lower rental prices. In other areas, there has been an increased demand for rentals, especially in more suburban or rural areas.

However, there has also been a shift towards longer-term rentals as people seek stability and flexibility in their living arrangements. Many people are no longer tied to a specific location, leading to a demand for rental properties that can accommodate longer stays.

What’s Next for Commercial Real Estate?

In conclusion, the shift towards remote work has significantly impacted \the real estate market. These changes may have lasting effects on the real estate market, even after the pandemic has ended. The Custom Group of Companies is on the periphery of these market changes, as we work with employers and job seekers to find the perfect match. If you’re looking for a career shift, check out our job board. We’re here to help.

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