Frustrated from Time Spent on Finding the Perfect Candidate?
It can be a frantic feeling. You’re trying to fill roles as quickly as they open. You don’t have nearly enough time to devote to the task. Other HR duties are clamoring for your attention. Placing an ad just isn’t working, and you’re struggling to find both the right credentials and the right culture fit. These are the pain points we see from companies trying to squeeze in a hiring initiative. If you’re frustrated by the hiring treadmill, there is help on the way. Here’s how a staffing agency can help alleviate your hiring stress.
How to Find More Time to Hire
If you’re in human resources, you probably have a full plate well before launching a candidate search process. You may place an advertisement, but most professional recruiters call that “posting and praying.” The chances are high, though that your prayers for the perfect candidate haven’t been answered in as timely of a fashion as you’d hoped. What’s the problem here?
What professional recruiting teams may not tell you is that they spend must less on advertising and a lot more on building their candidate networks. Sourcing candidates is an incredibly labor-intensive process, and it’s a rare HR manager that has that kind of time. Staffing agencies spend years building up these networks so that, when you call on them, they can respond with an impressive quickness that alleviates your hiring frustration.
Even the idea of posting a job takes some recruiting acumen. What should your advertisement say? Where should you post it so that candidates can actually find it? Companies waste a lot of money on job boards when there may be better (and less costly) avenues to get the word out about your posting.
Time, or rather, the lack of time, is a big problem for more corporate hiring teams, let alone small business owners. The process of looking for candidates, reviewing resumes, interviewing candidates, negotiations, and more, takes hours. If you’re wearing a lot of hats in your business, this is time that you probably don’t have. HR managers even in big companies have lots of everyday duties and hiring just adds to their burden.
Once you’ve found the best candidate, how do you ensure they aren’t snatched away by someone else? How can you sell the job in a way that makes your company seem like the best option, while still giving the candidate an accurate picture of what they can expect? How do you handle the salary negotiation? How do you even keep the candidate engaged enough so you don’t fall victim to ghosting? Staffing firms like The Custom Group of Companies know the answer to all of these questions.
Partner With the Best
Now imagine what it would be like for you to be given a thoroughly vetted set of, say, three candidates that fit the role and your culture. Your job is to complete the final interview process and complete the hiring paperwork. For companies that choose to work with a professional staffing agency like The Custom Group, the hiring process becomes less of a burden. We can alleviate your hiring frustration and help you find the perfect fit in record time. Talk with our team today to see how we can help.